Headaches and migraines affect hundreds of thousands of people in our state. Cervicogenic (coming from the neck) headaches can be treated by our physiotherapists using many techniques, including mobilisation, acupuncture, soft tissue massage, strengthening and posture correction.
Migraines can be significantly more debilitating than headaches and techniques to ease or resolve migraines can include Watsons, Headache/Migraine Treatment, acupuncture and mobilisations.
So if you do suffer from either headaches or migraines please call and make an appointment with one of our experienced physios that specialise in these areas.

Neck & Back Pain
Neck and back pain be as a result of sudden incident or injury (car accident, fall, lifting etc) and or a chronic condition (osteoarthritis,scoliosis etc) .
Our physiotherapists are all skilled in managing neck and back pain. Depending on the condition treatment can include mobilisation, soft tissue massage, exercises,hydrotherapy, acupuncture and taping.
Ideally call one of our clinics early when you have neck or back pain as this can decrease the length of time you’re in pain.

Acupuncture (Dry Needling)
Dry needling is acupuncture mainly aimed at muscle tightness. Dry needling is believed to release opioids (pain relief) and increase blood flow around the needle which in combination decreases pain and muscle tension. Acupuncture can benefit most conditions where pain and muscle tightness are in combination.
Conditions that can be treated effectively by dry needling include; tennis/golfers elbow, trochanteric bursitis, achilles tendinopathy/itis, headaches, back and neck pain to name a few.
So if you suffer any of the above please call one of our clinics and book in with a physio who is qualified to perform dry needling.

Sports Physiotherapy
Sports Physiotherapy is physio generally for injuries sustained whilst exercising you dont have to be on a sporting field. Our physios throughout our clinics can assess and treat most sporting injuries and if required refer for further radiological investigations (xray, ultrasound, Ct or MRI scans).
Treatment can consist of taping, splints, braces, soft tissue massage, exercises and ice or heat.
So any injuries whilst exercising call and see one of our experienced physios that day.

Exercise/Strengthening Programmes
Exercise and or strengthening programs can be aimed at any number of conditions and age groups. Each age group and condition can require different programs. Therefore our physios will assess your condition or reason for an exercise/strengthening program and assign the correct program for each person. This can be a home based program, hydrotherapy or gym based. Anyone from a 90year old wheelchair bound person to a 20 year old sports person can benefit from these individual programs.
So if you believe or have been recommended to start an exercise/strengthening program call and get one of our experienced physios to make you up an individual program.

Post Operation Treatment/Exercises
Most orthopaedic post operation patients require some follow up exercise programs. Depending on the operation these exercise programs are mainly hydrotherapy, home based or gym based.
Our experienced physios will assess the post op stage you’re at and write up an individual program for you. Mostly the exercises will be to improve your range of movement and strength.
So if you’ve had joint replaced or another type of musculoskeletal operation call one of our clinics for an appointment.

Mouldable Orthotics Fitted
Mouldable orthotics can benefit people who have poor foot biomechanics. Some of our physios have done courses so they can mould soft orthotics to suit people with varying feet and leg conditions. Orthotics can decrease pain in certain conditions including, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, patellofemoral (knee) pain, flat feet, ankle and calf pain.
If you fit any of these categories call one of our clinics that fits orthotics.